Vendor Risk Management Best Practices: A 9-Point Guide

In today’s interconnected business environment, organizations increasingly rely on third-party vendors to deliver essential services, products, and solutions. This dependency, while beneficial, introduces a spectrum of risks that can impact an organization’s operations, reputation, and financial health. Effective Vendor Risk Management (VRM) is crucial to mitigate these risks and ensure seamless business continuity. Here are nine best practices for managing vendor risk:

1. Develop a Comprehensive VRM Policy

Establish a clear and comprehensive VRM policy that outlines the organization’s approach to managing vendor risks. This policy should define key processes, roles, and responsibilities and should be communicated to all relevant stakeholders. It should also include criteria for vendor selection, risk assessment, monitoring, and termination.

2. Conduct Thorough Due Diligence

Before engaging with a vendor, conduct a thorough due diligence process to assess their suitability and risk profile. This includes evaluating the vendor’s financial stability, reputation, operational capabilities, and compliance with relevant regulations. Collect information through questionnaires, interviews, and third-party assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of the vendor’s risk landscape.

3. Classify Vendors Based on Risk

Not all vendors pose the same level of risk. Classify vendors into categories based on the criticality of the services they provide and the potential impact on your organization if something goes wrong. High-risk vendors, such as those handling sensitive data or providing critical services, should undergo more rigorous assessments and monitoring than low-risk vendors.

4. Implement Strong Contractual Controls

Contracts are a critical component of VRM. Ensure that vendor contracts include robust risk management clauses, such as data protection requirements, service level agreements (SLAs), and termination conditions. Clearly define the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, and include provisions for regular audits and assessments.

5. Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Vendor risk is not static; it evolves over time. Conduct regular risk assessments to evaluate the current risk landscape and identify any changes in the vendor’s risk profile. Use a combination of self-assessments, third-party audits, and continuous monitoring tools to gather up-to-date information on vendor performance and compliance.

6. Monitor Vendor Performance Continuously

Continuous monitoring is essential for effective VRM. Implement monitoring mechanisms to track vendor performance, compliance, and risk indicators in real-time. This can include automated tools that provide alerts for any deviations from agreed-upon SLAs or emerging risks. Regularly review these reports to ensure timely intervention when necessary.

7. Foster Strong Vendor Relationships

Building strong relationships with vendors can enhance cooperation and transparency. Maintain open lines of communication and encourage vendors to share information about their risk management practices. Collaborative relationships can help address issues more effectively and foster a culture of mutual trust and accountability.

8. Establish Incident Response Protocols

Despite best efforts, incidents can occur. Develop and implement incident response protocols to address vendor-related issues promptly. This should include steps for identifying, reporting, and resolving incidents, as well as communication plans for informing stakeholders. Conduct regular drills and reviews to ensure readiness in case of an actual incident.

9. Leverage Technology Solutions

Utilize technology solutions to streamline and enhance your VRM processes. VRM software platforms can automate risk assessments, monitor vendor performance, and provide real-time analytics. These tools can help manage large volumes of data, identify trends, and generate actionable insights, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your VRM program.


Effective Vendor Risk Management is essential for organizations to navigate the complexities of today’s business environment. By implementing these nine best practices, organizations can mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and build resilient vendor relationships. A proactive and structured approach to VRM not only protects the organization but also enhances its overall operational efficiency and reputation. In a world where third-party risks are inevitable, robust VRM is a strategic imperative for sustained success.

DStrategyTech’s Digital Vendor Risk Management (DVRM) product streamlines risk assessments, automates monitoring, ensures compliance, and enhances vendor relationships, safeguarding your organization from potential third-party risks while improving operational efficiency and protecting your assets.